Band Boosters

The Ronald Reagan High School Band Boosters is a volunteer organization comprised of dedicated parents committed to supporting our diverse band programs. These include Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Reparatory Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Bands I & II, Marching Band, Color Guard, and Winter Guard. Our enthusiastic parent volunteers contribute their time and skills to aid with performances, uniforms, equipment, community service, transportation, and other needs. We collaborate closely with the band directors (Mr. Robert Johnston and Mr. Kenny Tysor), who are also part of the Band Boosters Board, to provide support in any way we can.


The Band Booster Club is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, operating under a charter, bylaws, and a board of directors. Our mission is to fulfill the needs of the Reagan High School band programs that are not covered by the limited funding provided by the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System.


As a parent or guardian of a student involved in the band programs, you are automatically a member of the Band Boosters. Your active participation is crucial for the continued success of our program and provides a wonderful opportunity to support our children and demonstrate our Raider Pride!


We invite you to consider making a donation and/or volunteering your time to support our cause. The effectiveness of our Band Boosters plays a vital role in the success of the music program.


Support the Bands!


Feel free to reach out to us today [] if you have any questions, want more information about getting involved, or are interested in joining the Band Booster Board.


For a full list of our 2025-2026 Band Booster Board please visit our Contact Us page.



Booster Publications / Communications:



Board Meeting Minutes Marching Band Information Alumni Newsletters

Fall 2024 All About Volunteering


Fall 2024 All About Competitions



Winter 2025 Alumni Gazette


Fall 2024 Alumni Gazette




Find us on Socials!


Tri-M Honor Society

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy. 

The Reagan chapter of Tri-M is student run. If your student is interested in becoming a member complete this form.