Wind Ensemble

The Wind Ensemble is a group composed of the top players in the Reagan Band Program. This group performs at many events, concerts, MPA, and is expected to perform on the highest level.

Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band in the intermediate concert group, and also performs at many events and concerts as well as attends MPA with the Wind Ensemble.  The group plays grade IV and V literature.

Concert Band

The Reagan Concert Band is the entry-level concert ensemble.

The band performs at concerts and MPA in grade III and IV.



Jazz Band I, Jazz II

Jazz Band I and Jazz Ensemble II are year-round classes.  Check out this Jazz Band I performance.

The members in the Reagan Jazz Ensemble 1 performed at the North Carolina Music Educators Association Professional Development Conference in 2015, 2018 with guest artist Delfeayo Marsalis and again in 2023

Marching Band of Raiders

The most visible band at Reagan, the Marching Band of Raiders is a voluntary group of hard working student. They perform at all home and away football games, contests, parades, and other events.  The Band of Raiders has been highly successful winning numerous Band of the Day Awards, performing in the 2016 London New Year's Day Parade, and the 2014 and 2018 Nation Independence Day Parade in Washington DC.

In 2023 they had a record breaking season winning four Grand Champion awards, along with countless other awards including drumline, color guard, solo, music, marching, etc.

See the award winning show for yourself on YouTube

2024 continued the award winning tradition with the

competitive show titled "Off the Rails" check it out HERE.




Symphony Orchestra

The Reagan Symphony Orchestra combines members from the Reagan Orchestra with wind players selected from the band program. The Symphony Orchestra performs at concerts, MPA and trips such as Carowinds. 





Pep Band

A pep band of Reagan students plays at a televised Wake Forest basketball game each year, including games against Duke, NC State, and Virginia Tech.