Our Sponsor Keep the Music Playing!


Running an award-winning band program like the one at Reagan High School will cost nearly $100,000 this year. Unfortunately, the funding we receive from the school system falls far short of covering these expenses. We depend on the generosity of our Band Booster community and local businesses to uphold our tradition of excellence.


Thank you to all of our Corporate Sponsors that have already committed for the 2024-25 school year. Click here to see these amazing businesses who are supporting our community or click below to join them.


Thank you to all our Conductor's Circle members! Your support ensures that our students will continue to enjoy the best possible music program.



Join our generous sponsor TODAY by clicking the buttons above.




In whatever way you to choose to show your support for the Ronald Reagan High School

Band of Raiders, we appreciate you!



Many thanks to all of our sponsors! If you would like more information on how to become a sponsor or have any questions, please reach out to us at RHSBandofRaiders@gmail.com.