Solo and Ensemble
We are excited to be hosting this event for the Northwest District Bandmasters Association at Reagan once again this year.
Solo & Ensemble Reminders and Details:
- Students need to perform at the time they are scheduled to perform. These time slots are posted on the band room door. We can be somewhat flexible, so students that may need to change times need to see Mr. Johnston.
- The event will run from 9:00am-1:00pm.
- Students need to bring in their $5 registration fee.
- Students need a clean copy of their music for the judges and a copy for themselves.
- Students DO need to dress nice.
- The warm-up area will be on the 500 and 600 hallways. The performance area will be on the 300 hallway.
- Registration will take place at the "mosh pit," and students need to check in at the registration table themselves once they arrive and before they warm-up.
- Student volunteers: We need some volunteers to help on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, and Saturday morning/afternoon (three time slots). Students can earn volunteer hours. Sign up sheets are on the back of the band room door.
- Parent volunteers: If any parents are available and willing to volunteer, please send an email to Mr. Johnston.
Thank you all. Please contact Mr. Johnston if you have any questions.
Solo & Ensemble Reminders and Details:
- Students need to perform at the time they are scheduled to perform. These time slots are posted on the band room door. We can be somewhat flexible, so students that may need to change times need to see Mr. Johnston.
- The event will run from 9:00am-1:00pm.
- Students need to bring in their $5 registration fee.
- Students need a clean copy of their music for the judges and a copy for themselves.
- Students DO need to dress nice.
- The warm-up area will be on the 500 and 600 hallways. The performance area will be on the 300 hallway.
- Registration will take place at the "mosh pit," and students need to check in at the registration table themselves once they arrive and before they warm-up.
- Student volunteers: We need some volunteers to help on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, and Saturday morning/afternoon (three time slots). Students can earn volunteer hours. Sign up sheets are on the back of the band room door.
- Parent volunteers: If any parents are available and willing to volunteer, please send an email to Mr. Johnston.
Thank you all. Please contact Mr. Johnston if you have any questions.
Reagan High School
Saturday, April 5, 2025
Tri-M Honor Society
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy.
The Reagan chapter of Tri-M is student run. If your student is interested in becoming a member complete this form.